The Black Horse Inn, Black Horse Tap

The Black Horse Inn catered for actors and visitors to the Theatre Royal. It was a coaching house from the early C18th. The original pub was built in 1454 and issued checks during the residency of Paul Collings (white 1850).

Directory Listings.

Advert from 1960's

The advertisement above appeared in a City Council guidebook from the 1960's.

The listings are fairly unexceptional and give very little away as far as building history. However, White (1878) states that there was a Black Horse Tap bar in New North Road, which was run by Paul Collings (Jn). It was located next door to the Old Fire Engine House at 4 Castle Terrace, New North Road in 1878 (W) and is also noted on the O.S. Map of 1876

This location is currently occupied by The Courtyard in New North Road.

A Black Horse Inn stood in Sidwell St until 1789 when it was burned down, this inn in Longbrook street adopted it's name, Click here to access this page. No idea what the inn was called prior to 1789.

The Black Horse Inn survives today.

Stuart Callon Copyright ©2002-2004