The Windmill Inn

The Windmill Inn catered for Nutting Day celebrations in the early C19th when lunch and dinner was taken at the Windmill. Nutting day was the holiday for the ordinary freemen of the Tuckers, Weavers and Shearmen. It was on the last Thursday in August for 50 years after 1878.

The Windmill was noted for it's 'home brew'. After lunch a walk would be taken in the woods prior to returning to the Windmill for dinner. William Viner is noted by Kelly to be resident at the Windmill Brewery in 1873.

Before the railways reached central Exeter around 1860, 15 fish carts plied their trade between the quayside and Topsham. Many were regularly parked outside the Windmill.

Trewman (1816) lists William Bending as resident.

Directory Listings.

The pub issued brass checks or tokens during the residency of J. Gill 1860-1867 made by Seague of Exeter. On one side WINDMILL INN HOLLOWAY ST. (J.G) in the centre and on the other, SEAGUE EXETER.

The pub's license lapsed in 1885.

Stuart Callon Copyright ©2002