Jolly Sailor, Crown & Anchor

The Jolly Sailor appears on the OS map of 1876 and is listed by White (1850), address given as The Quay. George Bisset was resident.

Directory Listings.

The pub's license lapsed in 1878.

It's location behind the Custom House is given away by Benjamin Donn's map of 1765.

It was mentioned in the EFP as the site of a stabbing on 27th October 1836 and was the subject of a "for sale" notice in 1779.

The Crown and Anchor has an address of Quay Gate according to Besley (1828). In 1823, M. Bird was resident (Pigot).

Directory Listings.

The Exeter Flying Post carried a "for sale" notice for the pub on 17th July 1806 and also a note of the landlord, a Mr Bond in 1828.

Stuart Callon Copyright ©2002